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From TukTuks to eTukTuks: TUK Token Leading the EV Revolution in the Developing World

eTukTuk is pioneering the electric vehicle revolution in the developing world by introducing a string of affordable EV solutions for the region.

The project has created a groundbreaking EV three-wheeler to push the switch from pollution-causing tuk-tuks to the EV-powered eTukTuk.

In addition, it plans on launching a network of charging stations to ensure accessibility to charge EVs.

The presale for its native token, $TUK, just started and is gaining traction as investors believe long-term 50x returns are on the table for this revolutionary project.

eTukTuk is Pioneering the EV Revolution

VIDEO: EVs Are On the Rise Globally - And eTukTuk is A Crypto-Based Solution That is Helping Make The
Crypto World Daily

eTukTuk looks to pioneer the EV revolution in developing countries, helping to introduce sustainable technology to the region.

While Tesla continues to innovate in the developing world, its technology remains inaccessible to underprivileged societies – leaving them to continue with their unsustainable transportation.

eTukTuk seeks to change this dynamic through its affordable EV solutions.

The project is the first automotive project built on the Biancne chain, allowing users to invest $TUK to join the AI-integrated e-mobility transformation.

Described as one of the most revolutionary sustainability projects this decade, eTukTuk is rooted in the real world – hoping to combat rising pollution in developing nations.

The World Health Organization states that 99% of the population is breathing polluted air, which is about to result in the developing world’s most critical health crises to date.

eTukTuk seeks to challenge this by helping accelerate the switch from the internal combustion engine tuk-tuk to a more sustainable EV-powered three-wheeler.

With over 270 million tuk-tuks registered in the world, it’s the most popular mode of transport in developing nations.

However, research has shown that these legendary vehicles emit more carbon pollution than traditional cars – making them a source of global air pollution.

eTuktuk is the newest innovation looking to combat this with its groundbreaking three-wheeler Zero Emissions Vehicle.

Five Years to Develop: Driving Down Production Costs

VIDEO: Join eTukTuk

eTukTuk has spent the last five years developing its eTukTuk design and is finally ready to start its rollout in Colombo, Sri Lanka, later this year.

The eTukTuk is setting a new standard in EV production as it allows for local manufacturing, driving down vehicle production costs.

With less than 200 components, the eTukTuk solution is built to be safer and more reliable than traditional tuk-tuks.

Our dedicated teams are tirelessly working, both on and off the blockchain, to construct an ecosystem that places utmost importance on safety and security.
Here’s an exciting glimpse into our latest prototype testing.
We have plenty more in store, stay tuned 👀#eTukTuk pic.twitter.com/w6II3fO9xH

— eTukTuk (@eTukTukio) July 19, 2023

It also uses a more sustainable LFP battery, which comes with an eight-year lifespan.

As a result of the local production, the production and maintenance costs for the vehicle are expected to drop by up to 78% for drivers.

With the two and three-wheeler EV sector expected to become the largest in the EV world by 2030, eTukTuk is getting ahead of the curve by launching its revolutionary eTukTuk solution.

In addition, it plans on launching an efficient charging infrastructure so drivers can charge their vehicles.

eTukTuk will use Territory Partners to strategically place chagrin stations, leveraging their knowledge and expertise to expedite the process.

The project has already amassed a string of partnerships to ensure its ecosystem can continuously grow. The following X thread breaks down these partnerships;

1/ ⏳COUNTDOWN: Day T-4 ⏳
At eTukTuk, we emphasise collaboration to achieve our goals and deliver top-notch services to our community.
Today, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible partnerships that have driven us forward.
Here’s a thread celebrating our partners 🧵 pic.twitter.com/sRl7PZKrNq

— TUK Token (@TukToken) June 23, 2023

Intuitive Reward System for TUK Investors

VIDEO: eTukTuk Reveals Buy and Stake Mechanism, Join Now To Enjoy 4000@passiveincome30apywithbbcc11
Crypto World Daily

$TUK token provides your entry into this revolution.

The $TUK token forms the backbone of the entire network and is the utility token that will power the ecosystem.

Drivers are required to charge their EVs at charging stations using $TUK tokens, providing a network fee for all $TUK investors.

The tokenomics behind the token have been carefully designed to provide rewards for long-term network participants.

As the charging network expands and is being used by more drives, the yield generated from the network usage will increase for $TUK holders – providing long-term passive gains.

Furthermore, eTukTuk plans to leverage AI through its Driver App to help drivers avoid traffic through route optimization to help save battery power.

It also intends to launch a play-to-earn “Crazy Taxi” styled game for users to earn $TUK rewards in a fun gaming ecosystem – providing more value to the token.

Buy Today and Take Advantage of Low Prices

VIDEO: I bought an ELECTRIC rickshaw (tuk-tuk). It rocks!

The presale is quickly gaining traction as investors rush to the token, believing there’s long-term 50x return potential.

The presale is currently selling the token for a price of $0.024.

However, there are rising presale stages, meaning the cost of the token increases as the presale gains popularity.

Therefore, early adopters stand to benefit the most as they get positioned in the token at the lowest possible prices.

Overall, with its innovative EV solutions and expansive long-term revenue growth, $TUK will be one of the hottest sustainability projects over the next decade.

Buy $TUK Today

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Author: Jessica Castro

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Name: Jessica Castro

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Job: Teacher

Hobby: Camping, Tennis, Sculpting, Photography, Dancing, Pottery, Whiskey Distilling

Introduction: My name is Jessica Castro, I am a capable, rich, vivid, valuable, steadfast, forthright, Precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.