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Due to a possible brake fluid safety issue, Tesla has recalled about 55,000 vehicles

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    Oct 22, 2023, 3:49pmUpdated on Oct 22, 2023

    By: News 12 Staff

    Tesla is recalling nearly 55,000 vehicles due to a potential brake fluid safety issue, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Officials say the vehicle can fail to detect low brake fluid and will not display a warning light. This could result in reduced braking performance.

    Officials say the recall affects the Model X vehicles from 2021 to 2023.

    Tesla has also released free software update to correct the issue.


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    Author: Donald Schneider

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    Name: Donald Schneider

    Birthday: 1947-06-10

    Address: 12442 Ochoa Ferry Suite 865, South Carlosview, ME 60384

    Phone: +4855041442847638

    Job: Dentist

    Hobby: Animation, Chocolate Making, Pottery, Bird Watching, Bowling, Hiking, Ice Skating

    Introduction: My name is Donald Schneider, I am a important, welcoming, variegated, treasured, risk-taking, Gifted, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.